About Our Institution
Poorna Vikasa Vidyalaya focuses on the development of body and soul. Our aim at Poorna Vikasa Vidyalaya is to provide a well-rounded education to each student, thereby helping them shape their character and personality. We focus here to make productive, knowledgeable, disciplined citizens who take pride in their nation’s rich cultural heritage. On the other hand, academic excellence will always have its due prominence together with numerous opportunities for developing personal skills.
We emphasize building strong moral character, instilling service to society, and equipping students with good knowledge and tools to handle the trials of modern life. They are encouraged to gain experience and derive wisdom from their surroundings. A balanced approach to life is also emphasized by blending patriotism with a scientific mindset and an appreciation for learning. Most importantly, we inculcate core values that will guide our students throughout their lives.

✅ To provide a holistic and well-rounded education rooted in local traditions and global best practices, empowering each child to uncover and develop their own unique talents and potential.
✅ At PVV School, we cultivate an atmosphere that encourages learning in and out of the classroom-precisely because lifelong learning encompasses everything, after all.
✅ We focus on giving children all-important life skills that help young people grow with self-confidence, while at the same time maintaining a balanced social, moral, and spiritual welfare.
✅ We at PVV School believe in all-round learning and are committed to giving children the opportunity of effectively flowering in all possible avenues.
✅ Our approach to learning is holistically centred-in that is, it’s not just head-focused but centered on intellectual growth but also on good emotional, physical, and social well-being.
✅ Partnership with Parents: A successful child is dependent very much upon a healthy and potent partnership between the school and parents.
✅ We keep in touch with the parents through open communication, regular updates, and teamwork to involve them in their children’s learning.
✅ We recognize that the parents, indeed the entire family is a stakeholder with an active role in the development of their child.
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