Poorna Vikasa Vidyalaya

Admission open for 2023-2024. Please contact us +91-7090479047 / +91-7090379037
Poorna Vikasa Vidyalaya

Affiliated to CBSE New Delhi – 831118


Competitions play an important part in the holistic development of children by encouraging healthy competition, character development, skill enhancement, and collaboration. At PVV School, we have a variety of competitions that allow students to express their abilities, foster their hobbies, and grow as people.

These competitions at PVV School allow students to explore their interests, display their abilities, and build their competitive spirit while encouraging personal growth, skill development, and a sense of accomplishment.

Inter-School athletics Competitions

Encourages kids to thrive in athletics while also developing collaboration, discipline, and sportsmanship

Science Exhibitions

Encourages scientific curiosity, ingenuity, and presenting skills by displaying students’ scientific projects and investigations.

Debate Competitions

Students engage in intellectual discussions on pertinent themes, which improves their critical thinking, research ability, and effective communication skills.

Quiz Contests

Engaging quiz contests assess general knowledge, enhance learning, and develop cognitive talents

Art & Craft Competitions

Promotes creativity, artistic expression, and fine motor skills by allowing students to engage in a variety of art and craft activities.

Music and dance competitions

These events showcase musical and dancing skills, encourage self-expression, and foster confidence and stage presence.

Literary competitions

Activities such as essay writing, poetry recitation, and storytelling help to develop writing abilities, public speaking skills, and language competency.

Mathematics Olympiads

Competitive tests that test students’ mathematical aptitude, problem-solving capabilities, and logical thinking.

Coding Competitions

Encourages computational thinking, coding skills, and problem-solving abilities in computer science and programming.

Cultural Competitions

Celebrates our students’ various cultural backgrounds via performances such as folk dances, traditional music, and theater.

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